Monday, September 3, 2007

learning to fly, but i aint got wings

It is safe to say that I just had the best weekend so far. It began on Thursday when Sam, Davis, Duga and I all bungee jumped off Auckland’s harbor bridge. It was AMAZING. Wait until you see the video. I was scared out of my mind. Sam and I were the only ones who got to hit the water and of course, I hit the damn water so hard I got a black eye…which is still changing colors on Monday. but it was soooo worth it. Then on Friday, we headed for Tauranga to go surfing. Once we got there we stayed at a backpackers and woke up to find absolutely NO surf…. new plan…. we climbed Mt. Maunganui which was indescribable. After that, we drove about two hours north to Coromandel. We arrived at night so we stayed at another backpackers…which had a hot tub :) the next morning we went to one of National Geographic’s top ten beaches. It took 30 mins to walk over and around tons of rocks, but once we got there, it was paradise. Seriously. It was incredible. The beach was completly hidden and NO ONE was there except us.... We couldn’t stay too long because we had a sailing appointment at two and that was another spectacular experience. I had sooooo much fun. I felt like a little kid. I was sitting at the front of the boat, riding the waves and getting splashed by the water. We leave for the S. Island on SEP. 14th and I can't wait to see what that Island has to offer. Once again I have to say how truly grateful I am for this...and how blessed I am for this opportunity! I wish you guys were here to experience this with's remarakable.

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