Friday, July 13, 2007

Sweetest Goodbye

So, I just arrived in New Zealand last evening around 5:30. The plane ride went fast…even though it took 27 days to get here. hehe. When we arrived in Sydney I looked down and my whole calf, ankle and foot was swollen like an 80 year old womans. The landing was beautiful, it's like paradise here...not kidding. There is every kind of tree from palm trees, pine tree and even orange trees. It's so cool. The prices are pretty high. Sam and I went shopping today at K-mart and it was a "little" pricey. One of our roommates is already here. Her name is Satoko and she is from Japan. She is very sweet and has been great so far. we are still waiting on our other mate named Josephine. I am going to miss my family and friends so much, but its comforting to have such kind people around me.


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